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corona virus

What is corona virus? 
Corona viruses are a wide range of viruses that may cause disease in animals and humans. It is known that a number of coronaviruses cause human respiratory diseases in severity ranging from common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The newly discovered 

Coronavirus causes Covid-19 disease. What is Covid-19 disease?
 Covid-19 disease is an infectious disease caused by the last detected virus of the Coronavirus. there was no knowledge of this new virus and its disease before it began spreading in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Covid-19 has now turned into a pandemic 

affecting many countries of the World. What are the symptoms of Covid-19 disease? 

The most common symptoms of Covid-19 disease are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. other, less common symptoms that some patients may have include: pain and aches, nasal congestion, headache, conjunctivitis, sore throat, diarrhea, loss of taste or smell, a rash or discoloration of the fingers or toes.
 These symptoms are usually mild and begin gradually. Some people become infected without feeling very mild symptoms.
 Most people about 80%) recover from the disease without the need for special treatment. But the symptoms are more severe for about one out of every five people with Covid-19 disease who suffers from difficulty breathing.
 The risk of developing severe complications increases among the elderly and people with other health problems such as high blood pressure, heart and lung disease, diabetes or cancer. all persons, of any age, should seek Medical attention immediately if they develop a fever and / or cough accompanied by difficulty breathing / shortness of breath, pain or chest pressure, or loss of speech or movement. Whenever possible, it is recommended that you contact your physician or health care facility in Advance, so that the patient can be directed to the appropriate clinic.

 What do I do if I have Covid-19 symptoms and when should I seek medical attention? 

If your symptoms are mild, such as a slight cough or a slight fever, there is generally no need to seek medical attention. Stay home, isolate yourself and monitor your symptoms. 
And Follow the national guidelines for self isolation. But if you live in an area where malaria or dengue fever is common, you should not ignore the symptoms of fever. Seek medical help. When you go to the health care facility, put a muzzle if possible, keep at least 1 meter (3 feet) between you and others, and avoid touching the surfaces around your hands. 
If the patient is a child, help them adhere to these tips. Seek medical attention right away if you experience difficulty breathing or chest pain / pressure. call your doctor in advance, if possible, so that they can guide you to the appropriate health facility.

 How is Covid-19 disease spread?
 People can catch Covid-19 infection from other people who have the virus. The disease is spread mainly from person to person through small droplets secreted by a person with Covid-19 from His nose or mouth when he coughs, sneezes or speaks. These droplets are relatively heavy in weight, as they do not move to a remote location, but rather fall quickly to the ground. People can catch Covid-19 disease if they breathe these droplets from someone who has the virus. Therefore it is important to keep at least 1 meter (3 feet) from others. These droplets may land on objects and surfaces surrounding the person, such as tables, door handles, and stair handrails. People can Then become infected when they touch these objects or surfaces and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth. Therefore, it is important to wash regularly the washing of hands with soap and water, or to clean them with an alcohol disinfectant to rub the hands. WHO is assessing ongoing research on ways to spread Covid-19 disease and will continue to publish the most recent findings of this research.

 Can Covid-19 infection be caught from someone who does not have symptoms?
 Covid-19 infection is mainly caused by respiratory droplets secreted by someone who coughs or has other symptoms such as fever or fatigue. However, many people with Covid-19 infection have only very mild symptoms. 
This is especially true in the early stages of the disease.
 The infection can actually be caught from a person who has a mild cough and does not feel ill. Some reports indicate that the virus can be transmitted even from people who have no symptoms.
 It is not yet known the extent of transmission in this way.
 The organization continues to evaluate ongoing research in this regard and will continue to publish any updated results in this regard.

 How can we protect others and protect ourselves from infection if we do not know who has it?

 Caring for hand and respiratory hygiene is important at all times and is the best way to protect yourself and others.
 Keep at least 1 meter (3 feet) between you and others when possible. It is especially important if you are standing near someone who coughs or sneezes.
 And Since some people with the infection may not have symptoms yet or have only mild symptoms, keeping a distance far from everyone is a good idea if you are in an area where Covid-19 disease applies.
 What do I do if I had Close contact with someone with Covid-19?

 If you had close contact with a person with Covid-19, then the infection may have passed to you as well. Close contact means that you live with someone who has the disease or was with him in the same place, less than one meter (3 feet). But if you live in an area where malaria or dengue fever is common, you should not ignore the symptoms of fever. 
Seek medical help. When you go to the health care facility, put a muzzle if possible, keep at least 1 meter (3 feet) between you and others, and avoid touching the surfaces around your hands. If the patient is a child, help them adhere to these tips.
 If you do not live in an area where malaria or dengue fever is common, please follow these tips: 
If you feel unwell, even with very mild symptoms, such as mild fever or pain, then you must isolate yourself by staying at home.
 Even if you think you haven't had Covid-19 infection, but these symptoms appear, isolate yourself and monitor your symptoms. The risk of infection is increased in the early stages of the disease when the symptoms are mild, so it is very important that you isolate yourself early. If you do not have any symptoms but you have had contact with an infected person, Quarantine them for 14 days. 
If you (laboratory examination) confirm that you have Covid-19 infection, you should isolate yourself for 14 days even after symptoms have faded, as a precaution. It is not known exactly yet how long a person will remain infectious after recovering from illness. Follow the national guidelines on self-isolation. 
What does self-isolation mean? Self-isolation is an important measure applied by people with Covid-19 symptoms to avoid transmitting infection to others in the community, including family members. Self-isolation is when a person with fever, cough, or other symptoms of Covid-19 disease is required,His home and refrain from going to work, school or public places. 
This isolation can happen voluntarily or based on a recommendation from a healthcare provider. 
But if you live in an area where malaria or dengue fever is common, you should not ignore the symptoms of fever.
 Seek medical help. When you go to the health care facility, put a muzzle if possible, keep at least one meter between you and others, and avoid touching the surfaces around your hands. If the patient is a child, help them adhere to these tips. If you do not live in an area where malaria or dengue fever is common, please follow these tips: - If someone is in self-isolation, the reason is that he feels unwell without his illness being severe (that is, he does not require medical attention) choose for insulation a spacious, well-ventilated separate room with a toilet and hand hygiene supplies. If there is no separate room, separate the beds from at least one meter. Keep at least 1 meter away from others, including your family. Monitor your symptoms on a daily basis.
 Isolate yourself for 14 days, even if you feel healthy. If you experience symptoms of difficulty breathing, consult your doctor immediately, and call first if possible. Maintain your positivity and vitality by staying in touch with your loved one on the phone or online, or doing some exercise at home. What do I do if I have no symptoms but I think I have been exposed as Covid-19 infection? What does self-quarantine mean? Self-quarantine is to isolate yourself from others because you have had contact with someone who has Covid-19 disease, even though you have no symptoms. You should watch yourself for any symptoms that may appear during the quarantine.

 The goal of self-quarantine is to prevent transmission. People who have Covid-19 disease can transmit the infection to others immediately, so quarantine can prevent transmission. In the case of quarantine: Choose a spacious, well-ventilated separate room with toilet and hand hygiene supplies. If there is no separate room, separate the beds from at least one meter. Keep at least 1 meter away from others, including your family. Monitor your symptoms on a daily basis. Stay in the self-quarantine for 14 days, even if you feel healthy. If you experience symptoms of difficulty breathing, consult your doctor immediately, and call first if possible. Maintain your positivity and vitality by staying in touch with your loved one on the phone or online, or doing some exercise at home. But if you live in an area where malaria or dengue fever is common, you should not ignore the symptoms of fever. Seek medical help. When you go to the health care facility, put a muzzle if possible, keep at least 1 meter (3 feet) between you and others, and avoid touching the surfaces around your hands. If the patient is a child, help them adhere to these tips. What is the difference between self-isolation, self-quarantine, and physical spacing? Quarantine means restricting activities and isolating the sick person themselves but who may have been infected with Covid-19 infection. The goal is to prevent the disease from spreading While the person has almost no symptoms. As for isolation, it means isolating sick people who have symptoms of Covid-19 and who can transmit his infection, to prevent the spread of the disease. Physical distance means moving away from others physically. The organization recommends staying away from others, at least one meter (3 feet). It is a general recommendation that everyone should apply even if they are healthy and not exposed to COFED-19 infection. Can children and adolescents be infected with Covid-19 disease? Research indicates that the odds of children and adolescents getting infected with Covid-19 and their ability to spread them are not different from other age groups. The evidence available to date indicates that children and adolescents are less likely to develop severe complications from the disease, but this is still possible in this age group. Children and adolescents should follow the same guidelines on self-quarantine and self-isolation if they run the risk of infection or if they develop symptoms. It is especially important that children avoid contact with the elderly and others who are at greater risk of developing severe complications of the disease. How can I protect myself and prevent the spread of the disease? Keep up-to-date on the Covid-19 disease outbreak on the WHO website and national and Local public health authorities. Most countries of the world have reported cases of Covid-19, and many are experiencing an outbreak. In some countries, the relevant authorities have succeeded in slowing the spread of the disease. However, the situation remains difficult to predict, and therefore an update is required on a regular basis. You can reduce your risk of developing a Covid-19 infection or spread it by taking a few simple precautions: Keep your hands clean by rubbing them with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or by washing them with soap and water. Why? cleaning your hands with soap and water or rubbing them with an alcohol cleanser kills the viruses that may be on your hands. Keep at least 1 meter (3 feet) between you and others. Why? When a person coughs or sneezes, he excretes from his nose or mouth small liquid droplets that may contain the virus. If you are very close to it, you can breathe these droplets, including the virus that causes Covid-19, if that person has it. Avoid crowded places Why? When people crowd into crowded places, the possibility of contact with someone with Covid-19 disease increases, and it is difficult to keep a distance of one meter (3 feet) between you and others. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth. Why? The hands touch many surfaces and can catch viruses. If the hands are contaminated, they may transfer the virus to the eyes, nose, or mouth. From these outlets, the virus can enter your body and Make you sick Ensure that you and those around you follow good respiratory hygiene practices. This means covering your mouth and nose by bending the elbow or a tissue with coughing or sneezing. Dispose of the tissue immediately after using it. Why? Drips spread the virus. By adopting good respiratory practices, protect the people around you from viruses that cause diseases such as cold, flu, and Covid-19. Stay home and isolate yourself even if you have mild symptoms such as coughs, headaches and mild fever, until you recover. Have someone else bring your purchases. If you have to leave the house, put a muzzle to avoid spreading the infection to others. Why? Avoid contact with others that protects them from the possibility of infection with Covid-19 and other viruses. If you have a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and contact your care provider if possible before going to it, and follow the directions of your local health authorities. Why? The most recent information on the situation in your area is available to national and local authorities. Advance contact with your health care provider will allow you to direct you quickly to the appropriate medical facility. This will help protect you and prevent the spread of viruses and other infections. Keep up with the latest developments from trusted sources, such as the World Health Organization or local and national health authorities. Why? Local and national authorities are best placed to advise on what measures people in your area can take to protect themselves. Is there a vaccine, medicine, or treatment for Covid-2019? While some Western, traditional or home remedies may relieve or alleviate some of the symptoms of Covid-19, there are currently no drugs that have been shown to prevent or treat this disease. WHO does not recommend self-medication with any medications, including antibiotics, to prevent or treat Covid-19 disease. However, there are several clinical trials under way that include both western and traditional medicines. WHO is coordinating efforts to develop vaccines and medicines to prevent and treat Covid-19 disease, and will continue to provide up-to-date information on this matter Once the results of this research are available. The most effective ways to protect yourself and others from Covid-19 disease are as follows: Clean your hands thoroughly and repeatedly Avoid touching the eyes, mouth, and nose Covering the mouth when coughing by bending the elbow or a tissue. If you use a tissue, dispose of it immediately after use, and wash your hands. Keep at least 1 meter (3 feet) between you and others. Does WHO recommend wearing medical masks to avoid spreading Covid-19 infection? There is currently no evidence to support or deny the usefulness of wearing respirators (medical or other) from healthy people in society in general. However, the organization is studying the rapidly developing scientific knowledge of the masks and is constantly updating its guidance in this regard. Wearing medical masks is recommended primarily in health care facilities, but their use can be considered in other conditions as well See below). The use of medical respirators should be accompanied by other major measures to prevent and control infection, such as hand hygiene and physical spacing. Health workers Why? Medical masks and respirators N95 and FFP and their equivalent are recommended exclusively for health care professionals while providing patient care. Close contact with persons with confirmed or suspected Covid-19 infection and contact with their environment is the primary method of transmission, which means that health care workers are the most vulnerable to infection. Patients showing symptoms of Covid-19 Why? Any patient with mild symptoms such as muscle aches, mild coughing, sore throat or fatigue, should isolate himself at home and place a medical mask according to WHO's recommendations regarding home care for patients suspected of Covid-19 infection. And drops that a person secretes when he coughs, sneezes or speaks can spread the infection. These droplets may reach the faces of others close to the patient or land on the surrounding environment. If the infected person sneezes, coughs or speaks while wearing a medical mask, this can protect people close to him from infection. also, if a sick person is forced to go to a health-care facility, he must put a medical mask. each person providing home care to a patient with Covid-19 Why? Caregivers of Covid-19 patients should wear a medical mask to protect themselves. Close, frequent, and prolonged contact with a person with Covid-19 makes the caregiver at greater risk of infection. Decision makers at the national level may choose to recommend the use of medical masks for specific individuals based on a risk-based approach. This approach takes into account the purpose of the use of the muzzle, the level of exposure and severity risks, the circumstance, the usefulness of the use, and the types of respirators that can be used. How to properly wear the muzzle If you decide to wear a muzzle, follow the instructions below: 1- Before touching the muzzle, clean your hands by rubbing them with an alcohol cleanser or by washing them with soap and water. 2- Check the muzzle and make sure it is free from cracks and holes. 3- Select the top end of the muzzle (the position of the metal strip). 4- Make sure to point the correct side of the muzzle out (the colored side). 5- Place the muzzle on your face. Press the metallic tape or the hardened tip of the muzzle to shape your nose. 6- Pull the bottom of the muzzle to cover your mouth and chin. 7- Do not touch the muzzle as long as you wear it for protection. 8- After use, take off the muzzle by removing the rubber band behind the ears, taking care to keep it away from your face and clothes to avoid coming into contact with potentially contaminated muzzle parts. 9- Dispose of used muzzle immediately by throwing it in a closed waste bin. Do not use the used muzzle again. 10- Clean your hands after touching or throwing the muzzle, either by rubbing them with an alcohol cleanser or by washing them with soap and water if they are clearly dirty. Keep in mind that there is a global shortage of medical respirators (surgical and N95 type masks). Therefore, these respirators should be kept for the exclusive use of health care workers, as much as possible. And remember, using a muzzle is not a substitute for other, more effective ways to protect yourself and others from Covid-19 infection, such as washing your hands and covering your mouth and nose by bending the elbow or a tissue with a cough, and keeping at least one meter (3 feet) between you and others . See basic protection measures against the new Corona virus for more information. Follow the advice of the national health authorities on the use of masks. How long does it take for symptoms to appear after a Covid-19 infection? It takes about five to six days from the time of exposure to Covid-19 until the onset of symptoms, but it can range from 1 to 14 days. What is the link between Covid-19 disease and animals? What is the link between Covid-19 disease and animals? Covid-19 disease is spread by transmission between humans. We already know a lot about other corona viruses, and we know that most of these types are viruses of animal origin. The virus that causes Covid-19 disease (also called corona-sars-2 virus) is a new virus in humans. The potential animal source of Covid-19 has not been confirmed, and research is continuing. The organization continues to monitor the latest research in this and other issues related to Covid-19 and will update this information if new findings emerge. Can I catch Covid-19 from my pet? Diagnostic tests have shown positive results confirming that many types of animals (including cats, large cats, minks and dogs) are infected with Covid-19, after contact with infected people in most cases. The results of laboratory experiments also show that cats and mammals have the ability to transmit infection to other animals of the same species. These animals can also be able to transmit infection to humans. We are still in the process of collecting and reviewing data to better understand the scope of this animal-to-human transmission. WHO recommends that people with COFED-19 and people at risk of it should limit contact with animals. Always be careful in applying basic hygiene measures when dealing with pets or others and providing care for them. This includes washing hands after handling animals, or their food or supplies, as well as avoiding kissing, licking, or joint eating. How long will the virus last on different surfaces? The most important thing to know about the presence of corona virus on surfaces is that it can be easily disinfected with ordinary household sterilization solutions that kill the virus. Studies have shown that the virus that causes Covid-19 can remain on plastics and stainless steel for 72 hours, on copper less than 4 hours, and on cardboard (carton) for less than 24 hours. As usual, clean your hands thoroughly by rubbing them with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer or washing them with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, mouth, or nose. How to shop safely? When you go shopping, keep at least one meter between you and others, and avoid touching your eyes, mouth, and nose. Before you start shopping, sterilize the trolley holder or cart, if possible. Once you go home, wash your hands well and after handling and storing your purchases. No confirmed cases of Covid-19 transmitted by food or canned foods have been reported. How to wash fruits and vegetables? Fruits and vegetables are an important component of any healthy diet. They should be washed as you would under normal circumstances: before touching vegetables and fruits, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Then wash it well with clean running water, especially if you eat it raw. Are antibiotics effective in preventing or treating Covid-19 disease? Both. Antibiotics do not eliminate viruses, they only fight bacterial infection. Since Covid-19 is a virus created, antibiotics are not helpful in controlling it. Antibiotics should not be used as a means to prevent or treat Covid-19 disease. But hospital doctors may prescribe antibiotics to patients with severe Covid-19 complications to treat or prevent secondary bacterial infection. The doctor's instructions should be strictly observed when using antibiotics to treat bacterial infections. Can I be infected with Covid-19 by stooling someone who has the disease? While preliminary investigations indicate a possible effect of the virus on stool in some cases, there have been no reports of a transmission of Covid-19 infection from stool to mouth. In addition, there is as yet no evidence of the virus's ability to remain in water or wastewater. WHO is assessing ongoing research on ways to spread Covid-19 and will continue to publish any new findings on this topic. What disinfectants are recommended to be used to clean the environment in health care facilities or in homes where patients are suspected or confirmed to have infection with the new Corona virus? To clean the environment in health care facilities or homes where patients have been suspected or confirmed to have newly infected Coronavirus, effective antiseptics should be used against encapsulated viruses, such as the emerging Coronavirus and other types of Coronavirus. There are many disinfectants, including those commonly used in hospitals, that are effective against coated viruses. The WHO recommendations currently state that: 70% ethyl alcohol to disinfect custom equipment that is used frequently (such as thermometers) after each use Sodium hypochlorite 0.5% (5,000 ppm) to disinfect frequently contacted surfaces in homes or in health care facilities Are there special procedures for disposing of the dead bodies of people as a result of the emerging corona virus? No, there are no special procedures for disposing of the dead bodies of people as a result of the emerging coronavirus. Medical authorities and facilities should implement their existing policies and regulations governing the disposal of the bodies of people who have died as a result of infectious diseases What are the recommendations for using chlorine to clean and sterilize hands in the context of the emerging corona virus? dilute chlorine solution (0.05 percent) can be used to sterilize hands when there is no alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap available. However, it is not recommended to use dilute chlorine solution when alcohol or soap and water are available, as it carries a greater risk of hand allergy and other health damages due to the preparation and dilution of chlorine solutions. In addition, chlorine solutions must be prepared daily and stored in a dry, cool place in tightly closed packages away from sunlight, otherwise you may lose some of their effect and efficacy in disinfection. However, chlorine is an effective sterilizer for environmental cleaning purposes (with a concentration level of 0.05%) if used after soap and water cleaning.


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