التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


عرض المشاركات من فبراير, ٢٠١٩

بلاط الجبسمبورد اشكاله وانواعه واستخدامه Gemsbord tiles shapes and types and use

بلاط الجبس للسقف يمكنك اختيار احدى هذه الاشكال طول القطعه الواحده 60سنتيمتر ×60سنتيمتر فهى تكون مناسبه لغرف المكاتب و المحلات والمولات التجاريه يمكنها ان تكون فى منتصف المكان ولكنها ذات المساحه الاكبر ويكون على الجوانب جبس مستقيم ولاتزيد مساحته عن 80سنتيمتر الق نظره على اشكالها  

Living Room The living room or reception room

      Living Room The living room or reception room is the most common space for the entire family and guests. We must pay attention to it. The design should be very attractive and attractive. It should also be ideal for functionality, comfort and capacity. Fit all the requirements of the family in it. We must combine the beauty of form and ideal design in terms of function I will give you some tips and examples that allow us to see some of the distinctive living rooms so that we can determine what we want in our living room How do you design the ideal living room? We need to focus on where we want the occupants to focus, such as a television, a fireplace, a library, or even a window or balcony with a beautiful view. You can also change the arrangement of furniture at any time to create space for dialogue by placing the furniture in a circular, square or rectangular way. If your main purpose in the living room is to use family dialogues and meetings with your ...